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Cigar Events

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When this page was first created, streaming video chat options were very limited, and most would only allow one person to be on video, with a text chat box where other participants could enter messages. I went through several platforms, as they emerged, only to shut down or become unstable all too soon, rendering all the work put into a channel dead in the water, until I finally just kind of gave up on the idea. Then I got really busy, and a lot of my work on this site fell by the wayside.

Now, fast forward to 2022, and I have sort of "relaunched" this site - not that it really went anywhere, but it wasn't active. I've added and am still adding new content, and planning lots more great stuff, and, Zoom is now a thing! For a pretty low monthly rate, I can host private video chats, as well as virtual gatherings of up to 100 participants, with no time limit, AND some can be recorded for archiving and sharing!

So, here is where you will find events that are hosted, sponsored, supported, or recommended by Smokey Kisses and/or PNW Cigar Enthusiasts.

I'll also be adding some options on here for setting up private and semi private, members only cigar smoking chats again soon, so keep a lookout on this space!

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**Notice: ALL writing and images on this page are copyrighted material and may NOT be used without my permission! The odds of getting permission if you ASK are good, but if you just snag them and I find them, the odds of legal action are even better!