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Welcome to the Members only entry portal!

By supporting the Smokey Kisses Website, you not only gain access to extra features, like smoking hot photos and videos.. You also are contributing to the cigar and smoking fetish cultures in an era when many are attempting to vilify, and usher in an age of prohibition on the use of tobacco products worldwide, as well as internet viewing of erotic or other adult oriented materials!
We are adults, and, as such, should be free to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh without the morality police or nanny brigade breathing down our necks.
A portion of donations to the Smokey Kisses website is donated to selected organisations which are dedicated to preserving our rights to smoke, enjoy our libations of choice responsibly, love, and celebrate life and passion as we, as consenting adults, see fit!

You will need a password to continue to the Members Only section. A password can be obtained by making a small donation to this site. (or sometimes through special arrangements with me, but that is only for specific cases. Remember, it isn't free for me to run this site!)
For more information on donations and membership, click here

Warning. The area you are trying to access contains materials of an adult nature.By clicking to enter this area, you certify that you are of legal age to view adult material in your locale and that by doing so, you are not violating any laws in your city, state, province or country. You are responsible for knowing and following the laws in your locale. The owner of this site and any affiliates will not be held liable for your actions in any way!

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**Notice: ALL images on this site are copyrighted material and may NOT be used without my permission! The odds of getting permission if you ASK are good, but if you just snag them and I find them, the odds of legal action are far higher.