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Khaos' Filterless Cigarette Galleries

These are all dedicated to Steph in Germany, who gifted me the cigarettes featured in the sets.

Reval Close-Ups

this is a set of ultra close ups of me smoking one of the Revals from Steph since I know how much he loves close up filterless pics. I hope everyone else likes them too!


July15, 2005. First time smoking Gitanes, from France

Roth Handle First Time Ever

July16, 2005. Here are pics from my 1st taste of Roth-Händle cigarettes, from Germany.


July15, 2005. Here I'm trying out a German Reval cigarette for the 1st time.


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**Notice: ALL writing and images on this page are copyrighted material and may NOT be used without my permission! The odds of getting permission if you ASK are good, but if you just snag them and I find them, the odds of legal action are even better!